The Weekend Assignment: Make an Adult Laugh

No, really. Make an adult laugh. I read somewhere that children laugh an average of 300 times a day while adults only laugh, on average, 5 or 6 times a day. So you might be thinking, “Of course children can afford to laugh 300 times a day. What problems do they...

Reactors and Responders

Whichever one of those is our default setting probably says a great deal about us as leaders, colleagues, employees, family members and friends. React and response aren’t onomatopoeic words, but they sound as if they should be. React is hard and clipped while...

Courage or Confidence: What comes first?

A coaching client of mine and I were discussing this question the other day. He’s about to begin a new role with a rapidly expanding company. He’s very well suited for the job and the company but there will be taking on responsibilities that are clearly...

You hate your boss. Now what?

You hate your boss.  Now what? All of us will probably work for at least one extremely difficult person during our careers. Some coping strategies for an unpleasant working environment may help you chart a new direction. Everybody experiences pressure at the office...

Strong people have strong weaknesses.

As much as we’d like to believe that the great resume, amazing interviews and stellar references of our newest executive will equal a stressless and steady career with our company the real world will disabuse of that notion. We’re not hiring statues or...

Absent when the future arrives.

Executive coaching can involve lots of analysis: We look back to evaluate failures and successes. We develop strategies for the future based upon needs (a job), wants (a career) and desires (a mission or calling). But in the midst of all the remembering and planning...