“They’re too self-centered.” “They’ve been sheltered by their parents.” “They’re spoiled.” “They’re soft.” “They don’t appreciate the virtues of hard work.”

Or, as the song goes: “It’s the end of the world as we know it.”

(Btw, I found those complaints — and more — by skimming old business magazine articles in which ‘Greatest Generation’ executives were offering their opinions about the Baby Boomers who were just beginning to populate the corporate world.)

I’ll bet there there was like minded carping and grousing on the walls of Lascaux or in the hieroglyphics of the Giza pyramids. But, I’ll also wager that there were a few elders who understood the need for fresh ideas and energy. They were the ones with the patience and foresight (and fortitude) to teach and coach and mentor and prepare their version of the Millenial generation for the responsibilities of leadership.

Because it’s always been thus.