Are we Risk Averse or Regret Averse?

If we’re mostly risk averse, then our reluctance to make certain decisions would be based upon the prospect of losing something measurable in the outcome. Hiring the ‘wrong’ executive for the job could cost the company its competitive edge. Accepting...

Why can’t we wait to speak?

When the other person is doing the talking, why can’t we wait to speak? Instead of letting our employee or professional peer or friend or family member finish their point, why are we so ready to jump in as soon as they take a breath or a pause? Are we suffering...

Where did you learn how to fail?

For me, as well as for lots of other Americans, it probably started in the first grade. That’s where we learned to follow the rules; to play it safe; to fit in; to avoid asking too many questions; to make sure the homework was arranged in exactly the right way...

The Weekend Assignment: Make an Adult Laugh

No, really. Make an adult laugh. I read somewhere that children laugh an average of 300 times a day while adults only laugh, on average, 5 or 6 times a day. So you might be thinking, “Of course children can afford to laugh 300 times a day. What problems do they...

Reactors and Responders

Whichever one of those is our default setting probably says a great deal about us as leaders, colleagues, employees, family members and friends. React and response aren’t onomatopoeic words, but they sound as if they should be. React is hard and clipped while...